Sunday, July 31, 2016

Author Ornitha Danielle

Hey, Ya’ll! It’s that time of year again. Author Spotlights are back! This month we have a great showcase of amazingly talented writers for you. I say that each year. LOL. It’s true! But I'm biased because I respect and admire my fellow authors with sincere zeal. Putting yourself out there to be judged and critiqued isn’t easy. These individuals know and understand firsthand what I’m referring to. Supporting each other is essential in this industry because let’s face it, there is more than enough to go around. Anyone who says differently is a selfish ass****. (You can quote me on that)

But don’t get it twisted... As writers, we have to know, study, and better our craft to be taken seriously. I take that to heart and apply it daily in my writing. Practice makes perfect, and perfection definitely doesn’t come over night. When you know better, you do better! Having and maintaining a healthy work ethic goes hand in hand with success in the writing industry. And you most certainly need to have a thick layer or two, of tough skin.

Enjoy getting to know new artists and their craft. Hopefully, by month’s end, you will have several names added to your wish list to heighten your reading pleasure. Tell a friend. Share on social media. Reading is relevant—Books are beautiful— Literacy leads to learning something new daily. Pass it on.

Welcome to Kickin' It With KeKe!! 

Author Ornitha Danielle

Today, we have a lady I met in Memphis, a few years ago. Her spirit was warm and inviting as she interviewed me at the BWABC (Black Writers and Book Club) Book Festival, and we kind of clicked. There is nothing like coming in contact with kindred spirits. Let’s give her a big “Kickin’ It With KeKe” welcome!

KC: Thanks for being a part of my platform Ornitha. It is a pleasure to have you. Tell us a little bit about myself.
OD: About me…. I am a Wife, Mother of 3,  Mimi to my grandson, aunt, niece, cousin and friend to many. I believe in God, and I am a SCRIBE!!

KC: Explain exactly what a SCRIBE is to anyone who may not know.

OD: I am His Scribal Prophet. I have the BIGGEST heart known on this side of the planet. I write from the heart of God. When I am called to the pen...I scribe what God would have me to share. It's of great urgency to release His heart for this generation that will come after me. To be His Scribal Prophet...I am compelled to share the love of God through my writings and teachings.

KC: Thank you for clarifying. As a Christian, I can certainly appreciate that. What else do you like to do in your spare time?

OD: I love to just have fun and be myself. 

KC: So tell us, how long have you been writing?

OD: Where do I start? I have been writing since I was a kid…. This was the one way that I could explain myself without being interrupted (LOL). The question would be when did I not write? I kept a diary as a teenager. I even wrote letters to people when they made me upset. So I would say writing has been in me, as far as I can remember.

KC: What genre do you write or prefer writing?

OD: Inspirational, educational, Christian, and poetry… Whichever and however God wants to use me -- that I am open to. I do believe that the way He would desire would ALWAYS bring HIM Glory. 

KC: How did you know you wanted to become an author/writer?

OD: I don’t believe there was ever a time that I wasn’t a writer or an author.

KC: What inspires you to write?

OD: There’s no one thing that inspires me, sometimes it can be what’s happening in the news, or just ideas, and most importantly, God himself.

KC: What message do you want readers to take away from your work?

OD: I want people that encounter my books to walk away with a sense of hope, joy, and truly find the love of God in the midst of what I write.

KC: How would you describe your writing style?

OD: My style can vary depending on what I am writing, I have really learned to not over think it too much, but as long as my message is being conveyed.

KC: Who are some of your favorite authors?

OD: LOL… I think I would take a vow to be silence. There are way too many to just consider some of my favorite authors. *wink, wink* since I can’t pick myself. I am really kidding of course. There are some talented authors out there…. So to only have some…. Too many.

KC: I totally agree with you on that one, Ornitha.  Although I do have a list, I add to it daily. Books are an addiction I have no desire to quit. #norehab. LOL.

KC: What are some of your favorite books?

OD: Now this… I can share!! The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah,  Tryin’ To Sleep In a Bed Already Made by Deberry and Grant and Chocolate Star by Shelia Copeland.

KC: See, now I already have a few to add to my list. And, The Coldest Winter Ever is on my favorite books list too.

KC: What is your formula when working on a new project? (Do you listen to music, use an outline, meditate, or simply start typing?)

OD: I pray…. Then I start typing, even this can vary as well.

KC: If you could collaborate with any of your peers, who would it be and why?

OD: Never really thought about it…. But that is something I will have to give  some thought.

KC: You should. I dream of working with Tananarive Due and Stephen King. LA Banks would have been another person I would have loved to work with. God rest her soul. But, I firmly believe Eric Jerome Dickey and I could create magic together. Hey! It could happen. The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon. LOL

KC: What advice would you give aspiring authors?

OD: The advice I would share is, to be honest with yourself about why you want to be an author, and whose life you want to impact for the better and not for the worst.  Be mindful of the things that we release into the minds and eyes of God’s people. Looking back at your work 10 years from now, and should your grandchildren happen to read it, what impression would they have about that book and how would they feel after reading it? Be kind to people, handle business with integrity!

KC: Great words of wisdom, Ornitha.

KC: What are you reading currently?

OD: The book of Esther….

KC: I am reading the book of Jeremiah. Esther is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. It’s amazing how one encounter can change a life forever.

KC: How can readers find you?

OD: Facebook, Linkedin Twitter, YouTube,  Google hangout and IG

KC: As an author, do you think using social media is a great source for gaining new readers/supporters?


KC: Tell us about your latest work?

OD: My soon to be released book is titled “God’s Butterfly” Redefined for Purpose… It’s filled with poetry and essays addressing many different issues that we face on a day to day basis. 

 KC: Sounds magnificent and inspiring. I will absolutely get my copy.

KC: What’s next for you?

OD: All of what God has for me.

KC: Amen…

KC: Do you believe networking is crucial to being successful in the writing industry?Why or why not?

OD: To a degree… but with the types of mindsets many have, it makes that difficult at times. It’s like I can help scratch your back, but when the shoe is on the other foot… the situation shifts. However, it is always great to work with like-minded people.

KC: Where do you see yourself in five years?

OD: Better than where I am now, mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally on levels to being a better person.

KC: Awesome answer! I love when people strive to be better tomorrow than they are today or was yesterday. Having a great attitude is essential in our altitude.

KC: Where do you want to be with your writing in five years?

OD: I believe I will have grown as a writer… I want to be able to make a difference in writing but mentoring others as well.

KC: Well, I can see you doing both. Your spirit is humble. People will want to be in your presence. Blessings to you!

KC: Tell us something that you live by daily, that we can carry with us that should inspire and motivate us to pursue our purpose?

OD: Keeping God first and foremost, treat others the way you want to be treated…. Because one thing is certain, God is ALWAYS WATCHING!!

 KC: I like to incorporate fun and excitement into my blog interviews during the author spotlight segment. This gives readers insight as to who you are as a person. Fun facts are my way of doing so, plus, I get to learn something about you too.

          LETS GO…

Fun facts:

KC: What is your favorite color?

OD: You mean to say I can only have one, lol? It would be purple, then pink, but you did say color, not colors.

KC: What is your favorite food?

OD: Cereal… again another one of those one answer type of questions lol.

KC: What is your favorite pastime?

OD: I love to just chill… relax and do nothing.

KC: Football or basketball?

OD: BOXING!!! Okay, I will do right. Well if only I can combine them both if I really watch these… as a basketball player in my high school days… however, I do love football movies!!

KC: Michael Jordan or Lebron James?


KC: Thanksgiving or Christmas?

OD: My Birthday!!! I do like Thanksgiving.

KC: Books or movies? This is a no brainer….

OD: LOL Netflix and chill!! Nothing wrong with a great book too!

KC: Winter, spring, summer, or fall?

OD: Winter is too cold, spring you have bugs, summer is too hot, and fall hasn’t decided if it wants to be cold or hot…. I love the in between weather.

KC: If you were allowed only one thing with you during the day, what would be the thing you pick?

OD: My cell phone with access to the internet!

KC: Breakfast or Lunch?

OD: Brunch, this can be eaten at any time for me….. lol

KC: If there is something I didn’t ask that you want readers to know about you, please include it at this time. The more information you provide, the more people you can engage that can possibly turn into new readers. Share away!

OD: I am really big on Social Media!!! So Catch me in Social Media traffic, don’t be a stranger, you can ask anything…

KC: Please list your website so the audience can stay connected with you.

OD: ( Which is being revamped at this time.  My SM (social media)  name is  Ornitha Danielle…on all platforms.

KC: It has been a pleasure having you with me today! I pray you continuing growth and success in your craft. I look forward to seeing you this year in Memphis. God bless you…

Until next time Be Inspired, Be Encouraged & Be YOU!

 Purple Hugs,
KeKe Chanel