Hey Y'all!
Did You Miss Me?! |
I know, I know, I know. It's been a while. I was writing and being a football mom. Go Sharks!!!! The season is over for my little guy, so now back to our regularly scheduled program. I missed you guys. How have you been? What's new? Spill the tea! Comments are appreciated. Let's chat!
In the meantime, let me tell you about what I've been doing besides writing and football. By the way, have you read my latest book? It's the last installment to the Sugah Series called The Ultimate Sacrifice. How will Sugah's story end? Find out for yourself.
Available on amazon for eBook and paperback. Click on the link below.
I was freezing, y'all! |
This past weekend was amazing guys! I participated as a vendor at the Louisiana Book Festival downtown Baton Rouge. This was my third year vending, and I tell you, each year has gotten bigger and better. The event is always a fun time for the entire family, but the wind this year was highly disrespectful. LOL. It turned out to be a beautiful day after the overcast cleared up and the sun decided to join the party. Still, the wind almost kept us from being great. Keyword, almost. I met some wonderful authors, amazing people, and sold a lot of books. New Readers ROCK!!!
Here are a few photos I captured at the festival.
First sell of the day! |
Aspiring Authors and their Secret Service. These guys are special. Watch out for them in the near future. |
Fellow Author Kimberly Spruill #AuthorSupportingAuthors |
Family Support is the BEST!! Love you KB... |
He gave me that look like "yeah right" when I told him I would be showcasing his photo on my social media. I'm a woman of my word, Sir. Smile for the camera! |
I almost let E.T. use my phone to call home, but he looked like he was having too much fun. |
The food was delicious. Y'all, let me tell you. If you have never tried bacon wrapped, fried shrimp you are seriously missing out. They were so good, fried to golden, crunchy perfection. The bacon took them to another level. Hmm... Y'all know I loves me some bacon. I should have taken a picture, but it wouldn't have done it justice. I guess I got too carried away stuffing my face before realizing I hadn't captured the moment on camera. Next time, I promise.
The music made me do a little two-step. No, it wasn't just because I was cold and trying to warm up. See, y'all petty! LOL. On the slick, I was. The music was on point, though. The entertainment is always good at the festival, but this year had more variety. Each band/act performed with their heart and soul, drawing in the festival goers. I saw a lovely couple dancing, having a good ole time. When the Zydeco band performed, they didn't sit down. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Watching them made me feel good. It also made me miss my husband who had to work and couldn't be there with me. I love to see people laugh and enjoy themselves. Keeps us young at heart.
The atmosphere was delightful. People had books on the brain and money to spend. Braving the chill in the air and the disrespectful wind, we smiled at one another with meaningful eyes. It was refreshing. I inhaled taking it all in; locking it away for another day when I need a boost of positive energy.
Team KeKe Chanel is growing. I love it! My best seller of the day was Silence. The cover caught everyone's attention who passed by my table. Even the one's who didn't purchase the book stopped by just to say how catching it is. Click on the link below to read a sample of the book.

I cannot wait until next year's event. I pan to be there, meet new people, and sell more books. Some people didn't want their photo taken, and I respect that. A special shout out to the people who didn't object when I asked. I love displaying new readers on my social platforms.
Thank you to each person who purchased my books. I appreciate your support more than you can imagine. Please let me know your thoughts, and please, please, please leave a review whether good of bad. They all help me grow as a writer and as a person. I have tough skin. This industry has taught me well. I think my mother taught me to have tough skin long before publishing my first book. Her bluntness has helped me overcome many obstacles, trips for jail, and acting out of character. Thanks Mom!!
Also, a special thanks to my dear friend Tasha for freezing outside with me. This was her first time experiencing a festival with KeKe Chanel. She did awesome! I think pitching one of my books has become her specialty. She's definitely a keeper. Tasha also has a festival coming June 2018. For more information go to www.tangitastefest.net. I'll be there. Will you?
Me and my Tasha. |
Shout out to my BFF and Manager Latarra of Upfront Management and Consulting for stopping by to see me. She's usually right beside me, but her son had to take the ACT. His birthday is today. Happy 17th birthday Tyler!!! Parents, please encourage your child to take the ACT and SAT as many times as they can. It doesn't matter if they want to or not! They will thank you later. It's a proven fact that each time they take it their scores increase by a point or two.
Thank you Marvin "The Empowerment Leader" for detouring your morning run to say hello. No matter where you are, it's always great seeing familiar and supportive faces in the crowd.
"People will never forget how you made them feel."
--Maya Angelou
Thanks for Kickin' It With KeKe! Tell a friend. Don't forget to like and subscribe.
Until next time, Be Inspired, Be Encouraged, & Be YOU!
Purple Hugs,
KeKe Chanel