Hello Souls,
As I told you a few weeks ago, I will be doing things a bit
differently on the blog until next year. I want to showcase some of my favorite
and newly found artists, writers, poets, or anyone else I come across that I
feel you would love just as much as I. I believe that greatness comes in all
forms and should be showcased. There is nothing like finding a hidden treasure
or sparkling diamond in the rough. I am just grateful to be able to provide
such a great service, through my blog, to all of you. I am all about helping
others. We all have a voice to be heard. It’s time to stop talking about it and
be about it! With that being said, today we have someone near and dear to me, a
Poet on the rise to greatness. He is someone I have known for years, since high
school in fact. So, let’s give a warm welcome to Isiah “Zae” Brown. (This interview was conducted through email
since we don’t live in the same state and couldn’t sit down to do a formal face-to-face.)
We would have never gotten anything done because we tend to laugh a lot while
in each other’s company if my memory serves me correctly. LOL Thank goodness we
have the internet!
Before we begin, here is a picture of Isiah:

Good Afternoon Isiah,
First, I would like to say thank you for allowing me to
feature you on my blog. Most people think that I want something from them, when
in fact I just want to help. I am just showcasing their talents. On my blog I
talk about LIFE, that's probably why
it's titled "Passion, Love and all
that other S$&T..."
Anyway, I have been blogging for almost two years now and I
love it. I get to share my thoughts, feelings and beliefs with others all
around the world. I’m ecstatic that they are about to be introduced to you, the
next best-seller, world-known Poet. Yes, I speak it and believe that you will
be right there with me and many other hidden gems on the top. We going places
my friend!!! Okay, with that being said, let's get started!
Me: Hello, hello,
hello, my dear friend!
Isiah: Hello
there! Well, let me start by saying it is a pleasure to be interviewed by you.
I am a fan of your work. I dig your style!!
Me: The pleasure
is all mines. And thanks for liking or should I say appreciating my work. Truly
means a lot. It’s always nice to know you have support from the people are grew
up with. S/O to “THE HAWKS” I know you left us, but we had some great times in
high school, right!
Me: Tell us a
little bit about yourself
Isiah: Born in
New Orleans and grew up in Kenner, I am a blessed man with lots of artistic
adventures and I call them adventures because they take my on many journeys of
discovering my true self through life. I love to draw also.
Me: At what age
did you start or how long have you been writing?
Isiah: I have
been writing for a long time, I noticed it began to really become more
noticeable after my heart was broken about 10 years ago.
Me: What inspires
you to write?
Isiah: What’s my
inspiration... hmmm would have to be love for my life and family. Just people
in general... I love to reach others
intellectually. Feed there hunger for more of what’s important to them... laugh
love live long life (My philosophy).
Passion…passion…and more passion!!! Music too!! Neo soul!!!
Me: What is your
overall writing style and why do you use it?
Isiah: My style
hmm. I would have to say just a mixture of Free Verse and Haiku. I always write
with passion. My writing usually has lots of love and expression as though I want
to read it, like it’s a conversation or thought u had or better yet, thinking.
Me: That is why
your work is so real, so passionate and people can relate to it. Like having a
deep conversation indeed, nice!
Me: Who are some
of your favorite writers, artists and why?
Isiah: People or
authors that inspire me...hmmm. V. Kottavei Williams, I love her work. She
speaks from the heart, always on a different level. Oddly, artist Salvador
Dali…but they are many more I just can’t name them all. I really like vibing to
Raheem Devaughn... my style for sure…dude bad!!!!
Me: Passion is
the best inspiration and motivation for writers. When we feel it in our core,
it draws our audience in. Do you like Bilal? And are you familiar with Sunni
Patterson. She is amazing!!! I love her. And I dig your style too!
Isiah: Yes I like
both their styles. They both go deep and I love to go there.
Me: Coolbeans! (Yes,
I just said it. It's my favorite word) lol Sunni is sick with it!!! Meaning she
comes up with the most powerful, outlandish, think outside the box, makes your
heart skip a beat, bring tears to your eyes dialogue that I find truly
Isiah: I like
that word…Cool beans…lol
Me: So, do you
only write about life experiences or is some of your work fictional?
Isiah: Most of my
work is nonfiction. I love real life.
Me: Experience is
the best TEACHER, right!!!
Me: What do you
like to do in your spare time? Who is Isiah outside of writing? And what's your
favorite color and zodiac? I like to ask the last question just for kicks to
see if there are any Capricorns or lovers of purple like me!
Isiah: In my
spare time I enjoy chilling, listening to music... drawing or painting, coming
up with new ideas for inventions, spending time with my family. I like to get
out on the town and dance with my Sweetie and of course write! My favorite
color is golden brown. I am a Leo, August 1st.
Outside of writing Isiah is a best described as laid back
going 100 miles. I am a thinker. I am a romantic and a techy... I enjoy sports...love
to golf. I really enjoy helping people
as well. Very passionate about that!
Me: Sounds like
fun all day, every day. It’s always good to laugh, be youthful, smile and most
of all dance. I like making up my own dances, and my Hubby and family love it
because I always make them wonder what I’ll do next. And there is nothing like
spending time with family. It’s therapy for me just like my writing.
Me: So Isiah, is
there anything else you would like to share before getting to your work?
Isiah: Hmmm…not that
I can think of.
Me: Well, this
has been fun, very insightful and personal. I love how we get to know more
about you. This helps us understand you as an artist I believe. Okay without further ado…
Souls, it’s time to show you all what I mean when I say that
Isiah is a great Poet. When I first heard some of his works, I was speechless
and that doesn’t happen very often to me. His play of words excited me, warmed
me, heightened me, keeping me engaged and then wanting more once it was over. I
wanted to showcase a few of his poems so you can experience first-hand the
impact and effect they have on me and others who hear them. Sit back, relax and get ready to be wowed!!
Each one of these poems are strictly as written by the
artist, with his permission to copy and paste them on my blog. All rights
reserved to the artist.
Political Junkee
By: Isiah “Zae” Brown on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at
10:58pm ·
CHECK…YOU… OUT….Yourrr….. Allllll…dressed....up…suited and
booted…..in that dark blue coat…white shirt and red tie speckled with stars…a
high price tailor made suit…damn…you are ..... DRESSED TO KILLL…. A well dress
Junkee…. you are....addicted to politically inhaling our socially conscious
positive thoughts, fumes burning out of control, laced with the new world order
...your lungs poisoned with backdoor bribes....your lips burn… turning good
intentions into cancerous flames…...ashes of emancipation proclamations, my
ancestors, former slaves to your ....ignorant.... white.... lies... that
gathered like clouds.....your greedy hands always stretched
out.....overshadowing and holding our attention.... constantly blowing smoke
out ya ASS.... your massive weight resemble that of an ELEPHANT, though lacking
its memory. I know some say that if you smoke enough long enough, one tends to
forget things... like how...……. “WE THE PEOPLE”…....you know …us…voters...
rolled your ass into office. How dare you ask us to.... puff...Puff...GIVE….you
another term in office so you can serve the same lame ass, self-gratifying,
junky like high.....we'd be damn if we allow you another opportunity at trying
to choke the humanity, freedom, and liberty out of us.. Every few years your
reach into the cabinet for a Rep... Labeled so call...light delight-able full
of honor ... its continents… all distasteful disrespectful and
dishonorable.....high in calories.....you’re.....Economically numb…. from Over
200 years of false fulfillment. .....you have gotten fat…while serving in the
House...we are tired of you serving us this weak as shit.... always munching on
the media buzz…your appetite for power has paralyzed you …….. bruised with the
common man and woman’s pain, desperate for change in equality, an apple …you
are rotten to the core…buried up your neck in debt …deep in mud ….long fallen
from tree of honesty …we need more fresh fruit of life...don’t get me
wrong….O.. I will have a slice of that American Pie…I just like mines with more
spices .........sprinkle a lot more red, white, brown, black, tan and yellow…
all beautiful colors... their flavor makes life a lot sweeter. ..
I just wish my momma’s….. Momma…. MOMMA could have bared
witness to Obama taking that oat, with great honor... I dedicate this to all
those strong, intelligent, wise and faithful brothers and sisters hung by their
throats...... who long fought for equal rights to vote ....For You As I Write
This Poem...I Shall Proudly Raise It Like A Fist...A Damn Good Extension Of My
Black Pride. And I shall say......"
A great victory in the revolution, I…I...I just pray that we continue to create
more solutions in the fight to filter out unjust political pollution"
...........…always stealing and selling other people shit....Damn Junkees
I vote to move all your no good crackhead lard asses out of
office... We deserve better and….. TRUST ……In….GOD ….as my witness, a change
will come......Now put this in your pipe in smoke it…..
Senator I.B. Junkee
Making Love to Imagination and f@kg
the shit out of reality…
By: Isiah “Zae” Brown on Monday, November 22, 2010 at
11:04pm ·
Standing barefoot in
the sand near the ocean, eyes closed, feeling the breeze on my face.... arms
wide open trying to catch the wind like a sail. ...... O I am 20 feet off the
ground... Vibing off the smell of life,
getting high off the sun rays.... hmm ...tongue out, I am tasting laughter in
the air.... Burping out the all my secret after thoughts... I am loving this
feeling...damn... and... Whyyyyy...... can’t you join me.... hmm... I am eating
the strings of this guitars melody... It has my teeth aching, cause they want
me to hum along with its chords...
My ears dances to laughter's rhythm for it has become the
wonderland of my soul, like a roller coaster it carries me up and down through
cascades of a sea beautiful skin... tones.....
I am sharing a kiss with the wind, lips lickerish and sticky; I lick its
candy red upper lip…getting wetter with each cool breeze.... I have come to
love it... Mentally I am coming over and over and over. A again.... I gaze into
the happiness of my loneliness ... hey I don't belong to anyone and no one
belongs to me...
Hmmmm..... I AM
words don’t fuck your head up.....to quickly.....I mean... I'd like you to cum
with me... I am tired of Preeee.... tending...
that the hardening of my realness is not stretching the walls of your
boring reality...
Deep.... Deep...
Deeper I get into that excuse for a wet dream you call reality, like the end of
a tunnel you begin to cho ccchhhhhhh choooooooooooooo as I bang on your
cabooossssee....do I have to train you to let yourself cum...Cumm.....
Coooommme to understand that its ok ... I will if you let me
OOO.... I am so
bad..... I came all over you... catch it....
catch it... say what you need to say... no need to keep lying to yourself.... I
know ... I want more.... ART.....don’t leave me all blue and swollen... See I
know you want it as I do...... you long for that daydream I leave on your
canvas each time...
An explosion of
purples, reds, blues, greens, gold and a touch of violet..... I am painting my
imagination on your soul.... baby I promise the pain ......ting.... will last
long..... My tears leave stains on your easel... I need you imagination... I
don't give a shit about reality, she didn’t do anything for me.... you’re my
only true desire to make love.....
So where was I again ...Ooo yeah...Imagine that...
(This is a picture Isiah found to show his thoughts through
an image)
These Soft lips
By: Isiah “Zae” Brown on Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 12:11pm ·
These Soft lips love to taste beautiful skin, dressed
in only your sexy perfume...Making it.....Hard.....to think of anything else. I
go wild when I get near your neck, like a true blood, I want taste your skin
candy... I promise not to leave a mark... Unless you’re really want me to. My
lips held capture by your imagination.... the things you have me do makes me
want to lose my mind.....baby...can...can...ccan I kiss your pain all your
fears away.... I promise I won’t make you cry anymore...in the words of my
homie "Dion Terry" "those lips big ass lips will set the hook
right"... I hope he is right cause if he is then you’re gonna be hooked on
these soft lips... Some say I speak to softly , I say to them it’s just my lips
taking time to remember your body beautiful piece of art...Eyes down...Knees
high.... thighs wide....chin low..... Tongue out.......these soft lips on
your soft lips....
Leave your thoughts and comments below for Isiah. I will
make sure he reads each and every one. Or feel free to email him at, ZAE.TEARS@gmail.com . You can also locate him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/zae.brown. Thanks
for welcoming him. If you know of anyone who may be interested in being
featured on my blog please email me at KekeChanel2012@gmail.com
or leave the information in the comment box. Until next time, be inspired, be
encouraged and be YOU!!!
Purple Hugs and Kisses,
Keke Chanel
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