Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy Holidays!!!

Seasons Greetings,

I'm super excited, yawl! This is my favorite time of year. I love putting up the tree with my kids and seeing my son's eyes light up when we first plug in the lights. Priceless moments, I must say. There is just something about this time of year that brings out the best in people. People seem to smile more, say hello, and strike up a conversation. Now don't get me wrong, there are still those who can give the Grinch a run for his money, but I choose to ignore them and enjoy the happiness that fills the air. 

Here are a few things you can do to appreciate this time of year.

1. Get out and enjoy the fresh air. 
     Take a walk, go window-shopping, call a friend to hang out. You can also spend quality time with  yourself. If you don't like being around yourself... *side-eye* I'm just saying. 

2. Do something new.
    New things can bring new emotions. New things can open up your mind. New things can make you a better person. New things tend to change your perspective. No one wants to be around a sourpuss. Don't be that one person people want to avoid during the holidays because you always rain on their parade. If you are alive and well, you, my friend, have something to smile and be happy about. 

3. Give back.
     We all know someone who needs help. Instead of buying things we don't need and our children don't need, donate to a family that needs help. Do something charitable. If giving back doesn't put you in the spirit of the holiday, I don't know what will. We all fall on hard times, even when we try to hide it. Just because no one else knows, you cannot fool yourself. It's okay to need people. It's okay to help others. But, do it with a generous heart and pure intentions. 

4. Watch holiday-related movies.
     In our home, we have a family tradition with involves watching movies related to the time of year, whether if my Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas, we have those preferred movies we cannot do without. For example, I love scary movies so during Halloween (and not) I always watch the Michael Myers flicks and please don't leave of Jason. For Christmas, my husband and I have to watch Bad Santa, Friday After Next, and This Christmas. With the kids, we watch Charlie Brown Christmas, Home Alone, and The Polar Express.  And no matter how many times we have seen these films, we never get tired of them. 

5. Read a BOOK *preferably a KeKe Chanel Novel*
    Now that was too easy! LOL You know I had to throw that one in there. I love books! I love reading! I am a Writer! Books can take you anywhere you want to go, with whoever, whenever, and there will be adventures of all kinds along the way. There are great deals going on right now until after the New Year. Go ahead and get your read on!  

Enjoy! It's not going to kill you...

Until next time, Be Inspired, Be Encouraged & Be YOU!

Purple Hugs,
KeKe Chanel


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