It saddens me when I see lifelong relationships but even that long, but two people who have been friends a long time, especially between women, turn into hate due to jealousy, envy, pride or lack of communication. Take Evelyn and Jennifer from Basketball Wives. Now their situation is simple, “TALK TO EACH OTHER”. They should sit down face-to-face, without anyone or cameras and really figure out what’s wrong or where did their relationship really go downhill. I refuse to believe that it’s all because of a man. Not those two, but you never can tell. We also have Melanie and Tasha Mack from The Game, even though their characters are scripted, we still love them being friends. I know people grow apart but should we turn on each other, going in for the kill, by hitting below the belt like Sheree did Nene on Real Housewives of Atlanta? Can you say messy, lowdown and dirty! Should all the dirty laundry, which we probably had in the clothes basket, be brought to light just because one person couldn’t put aside their pride and just reach out to the other?
Men may have their differences, ups and downs, but they hash it out and move on. By the end of the day they are boys again and chasing women or whatever else they decide to do. They may play an aggressive game of basketball, football, pool, go to the gym or any other competitive sport and when it’s all said and done, all is well. They simply pound fists and say “that’s my nigga” or “dude, did you see the rack on that chick”. No grudges are held, no trying to turn everyone else against the other. They simply act as adults or mature about the situation at hand. Men are different than women when it comes to friendships. We hold on to shit and store in our mental portfolio for the right time to strike and draw blood if need be. You would think that seeing someone down we would back off, but that is exactly when we put our foot on their back, right.
But, there are just some BITCHES who cannot be trusted. These types of individuals will smile in your face and as soon as your turn your back half-way they drag your name through the mud. They pretend to be your friend when in fact they are a frienemie (a friend who is really an enemy and always has been and will be). No matter how hard you try to truly be a friend to them, they will always stab you in the back. These same BITCHES will hook you up with a guy all the while sleeping with him. They will stand as your Maid of Honor in your wedding and cheat with your husband just the same. Some will ever see him with another woman and pretend as if she didn’t know once you find out. Yes, I know several who fit the profile and sadly, so do you. It’s sad but true! They pretend to be there for you in the time of need but as soon as you tell them your business they run and broadcast it all over like the six o’clock news.
We also have these women who smile each time you see them although you don’t know them. We always seem to know exactly where you will be and show up. Each time, they have another friend with them and periodically you glance in their direction and all eyes are on you. Just when you want to ask the question, they disappear leaving you wondering. Then months later, you learn that one of them BITCHES, the very one who always spoke, smiled and even complimented you on your shoes, is having your husband’s baby. She then changes into an irritation in your ass. She somehow gets ahold of your cell or house number and starts calling sharing information against your husband so that you can push him straight out your front door into her waiting arms. Yeah! This world is full of scandalous people, women being the most.
I know people who have gotten sonograms sent to their home with a letter saying “make sure you tell your husband that his son is on the way” or send a text message to your cell phone saying “tell your man his baby need some pampers” when it’s your birthday. These are some trifling women or what I like to call them “BITCHES YOU CAN’T TRUST”! It doesn’t make any sense doing all of this stuff just to show they exist. It won’t make the man want them more, if anything, he doesn’t want anything else to do with their silly asses. And if you have been in a situation where he did leave, thank your lucky stars because you didn’t need his ass in the first place. Good riddance! Kick rocks! Deuces!
True friends are hard to come by. We are blessed to have one, more blessed to have two. I see young girls with low self-esteem because they want the whore of the school to like them. They pretend, slip class, stop doing their schoolwork, trying to fit in and get her attention. Some as she befriends that innocent girl, she plots a plan against her. She shows her how to wear her hair, makeup or tight clothing to catch attention from the opposite sex. She pressures her into giving away her innocence, something she was saving for the man she wants to marry. But it doesn’t stop there. The same girl, the popular chick, who sleeps around, that pretends to be your friend, goes to school the Monday after the party you slept with the captain of the football team, and tells it all. In the world we live in today, she even has it on video. Your good girl reputation is shattered all because you wanted to fit in or trusted someone you shouldn’t have.
Yes, my friends, these things happen every day we live. So, before you call anyone “friend” using the word lightly, really look beyond looks, personality, intelligence, or lack thereof and really identify with their spirit. Kindred spirits are hard to come by, but when you do, you will know that you have a friend for life, through thick and thin, no matter what. Until you find this person, stop dealing with BITCHES you cannot trust. If you already have this friend, cherish your friendship. If something happens that causes strain between you, don’t just let it go. Talk about it, work it out. It’s not worth losing a lasting friendship due to pride or anything else for that matter. There will always be she-devils lurking around each corner trying to get their claws into you, be wise, observant and not too quick to trust people. Ask questions, get to know them for who they truly are and then tell those BITCHES to kiss your ass!
The world would be a much better place if we could rid it from all the BITCHES! And ya’ll, please don’t be offended by my word choice. This word is merely a term of endearment in most cases, but this isn’t one of them. (LOL) We all have that one friend that we can call Bitch, my Hoe, slut or any other slang, but you and she know that it is simply because of the level of friendship you have. You will know otherwise, trust me. Yeah, yeah, yeah! I know some are probably saying that word is so offensive or that I bet she wouldn’t like it if a man called her a Bitch or Whore. Well, stop thinking simple-minded! Women have been labeled as such for so long, that if we didn’t find humor or solace in the words men call us. Hell, none of us would have self-esteem or know our self-worth. Be your own person. Don’t allow others to dictate your emotions. Know that a man who calls a woman, his woman a bitch and mean it in a derogatory way, is a coward and not worth your damn time.
So, stop getting offended by the word and lick your wounds. It takes tough skin to make it in this male dominated world we live in. Like the song says, “Don’t take it personal, get the bitter with the sweet, easy come and easy go”, make that your theme song. As Beyonce said, “Girls Run the World” although some of you may not know it, and if you don’t know, I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s called “P-U-S-S-Y”
Yes, I did it and not ashamed in the least. Anyway, that’s an entirely different topic! (I’m just saying!) So until next time, be inspired, be encouraged and be YOU! Don’t let any more people define who you are because one day you just may believe them.
Keke Chanel
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